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How do I change the owner of my account?

Author: Geek Support Reference Number: AA-00210 Created: 01/05/2011 08:02 PM Last Updated: 06/22/2018 07:55 PM

In order to change the the person or entity responsible for your account, please e-mail [email protected] or open a ticket for the Billing Geeks at our support desk. If e-mailing, please include your domain name and the name of the person or company who will be taking over your hosting account and be sure the e-mail is sent by the current e-mail address on file for the account.

Once we receive and verify the account owner change request, we will ask you to have the new owner contact us confirming they want to assume responsibility of the account and associated web hosting services and charges. Once we have received this confirmation, we will provide the new owner with guidance on how to create a new account in their name. We will ask the new owner for their complete contact and billing information (physical mailing address, telephone number, fax number, payment details, etc.) and then provide them with a new welcome email for the account in question.

If you have any questions regarding this, please e-mail our Billing Geeks.

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Comments 1
  • #
    [ Akin]: correction 09/30/2016 05:16 AM

    correct first line... "In order to change the the person"... remove second "the"

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